In this blog we are going to look at the stages of confrontation and how we can use strategies and tactics to eliminate the problems as soon as possible.
The first stage is the Pre-Confrontation. This stage is about the danger of a confrontation occurring. Our goal at this stage is to avoid any confrontation. This is achieved through being aware (Colour Code System of Awareness) and taking precautions.
The second stage is Pre-Fight. The main problem at this stage is the confrontation has started, usually with a verbal attack, but has not become physical. We need to assess the situation and start to plan our strategies and tactics that will give us an advantage. Our goal is to de-escalate the situation through our verbal skills.
Next is the In-fight stage. This is when the confrontation is now a physical fight. We need to deploy the strategy and tactics that we have decided on. This could be a simple stun and run, restraint or elimination of the problem. As always, you need to work inside the legal framework and only use enough force to stop the person/s from being a threat. The goal is to the end the fight ASAP.
The final stage of a confrontation is the Post-fight (aftermath of the whole situation). This stage includes checking for injuries to yourself or others you are protecting, dealing with the emotional impact of a violent confrontation (Post Traumatic Stress) and the legal consequences that may occur.
When we can look at a self-defense situation in a logical and methodological way, we can create efficient and workable strategies that will save ourselves and/or others from harm.